Aberdeen Barn Talk
Aberdeen Barn Talk hosted by Curtis Ohlde and Todd Bohlmeyer look to introducethe Livestock Industry to the American Aberdeen Breed and provide value to existing American Aberdeen Breeders. Contained in the bi-weekly episodes there will be information and discussion, along with guest speakers, talking about theAmerican Aberdeen Breed and livestock industry in general. In addition, there will be updates to currentevents happening within the American Aberdeen Breed, General Beef Cattle Production, and Associated Farming Topics to start outeach episode. Aberdeen Barn talk is a production of the Midwest AmericanAberdeen Association.
Aberdeen Barn Talk
Record Keeping Episode 1 of 2
In this episode 1 of 2 over record keeping, host Curtis Ohlde sits down with Eric Kyllo of Minnesota who in addition to being an American Aberdeen Breeder is also a business owner and consultant. Dustin Bender also stops in. They discuss the importance of keeping good financial records and planning. Some of the areas they discuss are Production vs. Financial Records, Net Worth/Balance Sheet, Income Statement/Budget, Business Plan, Working the Plan and the importance of having a good Tax Account familiar with Agriculture. Tune in for the next episode as they take a deep dive into production records.
Aberdeen Barn Talk is a production of Cow Town Productions L.L.C. and can be reached at CowTownProductionsKC@gmail.com